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  • #2141996

    Netgear ReadyNAS 214 – can’t browse SMB shares from File Explorer

    by danielpaulwolfe ·



    ~15 workstations that utilize Macrium Reflect to write to \\192.168.1.XX\ShareName on a Netgear ReadyNAS 214. Backups run flawlessly – never have an issue writing to the SMB from the software.

    I cannot browse to the shares in File Explorer. I get: (typical) “Windows cannot access \\192.168.1.XX – Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise there might be a problem with your network. To try and identify and resolve network problems, click Diagnose.”

    If I open Firefox(my browser of choice) or Chrome, or IE, or Edge, Or Opera. I can type https://192.168.1.XX and open the administration portal with 0 issues.

    Nas firmware is up-to-date with 10.6.4. Windows machines are up-to-date (mostly anyway, can’t confirm everyone’s immediately)

    Vipre endpoint security is handling firewall, windows firewall is “disabled” so Vipre can handle that. I have tried disabling Vipre entirely while testing and it makes no difference.

    We have a single server doing Domain Controller and some basic file/print sharing. (Don’t tell me I need redundancy or to separate DC/File Server, I’ve already beaten that dead horse with my CEO)


    If I go to the Netgear admin portal, navigate to “Accounts” -> “Authentication” and then enter the domain administrator password with a domain admin account and choose “Apply” – suddenly I can immediately pull up the SMB shares and open them if I have access with my user account.

    My thoughts:

    DNS – I’m like 99% sure this is DNS-related as network connection problems often are. I have attempted, in the past, to create a set static DNS entry for the NAS but it’s possible I did not configure it correctly on the server nor in my local hosts file. If someone wants to give me step-by-step instructions on this so I can confirm I’m doing it correctly, that’d be great.

    Active Directory – The NAS DOES show up in my Computers list in active directory. Maybe it shouldn’t?

    Any insight anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.

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