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  • #2074370

    Netware 5 User Tracking


    by bbrandelli ·

    I would like to use a program or batch file that will be giving me a list of all user Id’s in the tree that have not logged in since a specific date and I have not been able to come up wtih one.

    Any Ideas or suggestions appreciated.


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  • Author
    • #3766003

      Netware 5 User Tracking

      by ian.campbell ·

      In reply to Netware 5 User Tracking

      From the Novell Developer site, get the NDS ODBC driver and using your favourite Database Application (MS Access / SQL etc) or Programming language (Delphi / C++ etc) use that to connect to the NDS tree selecting the fields of interest and filteringon the desired criteria.

    • #3765996

      Netware 5 User Tracking

      by swfan ·

      In reply to Netware 5 User Tracking

      may be this:
      nlist user /R /S

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