General discussion
Netware Printer Server and Jet Direct
LockedI just installed a HP Jet Direct Print Server on a NW 4.1 network. I created the Print server and the printer as well as the queue in NDS. I added the queue to the printer and the printer to the print server and cannot get the printer to print. It states ready all the time.
Here is the configuration:
Print Layout
HP Jet Direct
The print server states running. The printer states offline and the queue says ready.
I have an IPX address, but cannot get the printer state online. I have the pserver running on the Netware server.The printer is physically on and states online on the front.The hardware Pserver is HP Office Connect 170x Print Server.
The program that needs this printer only uses IPX, so IP isnot an option. Any of your Netware Guru’s know how to get this printer to state online in NDS and print.