
  • Creator
  • #2141880

    Network cable test ok but not working


    by kim007b ·


    I have a new network cable in my house which is OK when I use a LAN cable tester. But with multiple laptops, the cable has no network when connected to my TP-link switch.
    The web interface of my switch indicates that the cable is connected (1000MF) but it only shows to receive packets (Rx) but not sending packets (Tx)
    Green/orange LEDs of switch and laptops are not lighting.
    I already cut the cable and put new connectors on both ends without any change.

    Any ideas what might be wrong, what can I do?

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    • #2418406

      Way to difictult to fix here

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to Network cable test ok but not working

      The first thing you need to look at is does the cable run close to or touch any electrical cable?

      Is it running over a Fluro Light?

      Is it close to a Microwave?

      All of those things can cause interference but probably the most important thing is Does it need to be a Crossover Cable? Your description sounds very much like a straight network cable is being used when a Cross over is required.

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