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  • #3937635

    Network: config needed to add content filtering to win server 2019

    by mekdess ·

    – The network is setup in this regard
    ISP router/Huawei AR2200 / -> switch/ Cisco 2960/ -> then computers including the win2016 server as one node.
    – We want to add content filtering specially block youtube using free softwares but we dont know which will do the job better and if the network setting must change.
    Any advice is appreciated.

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    • #3940575
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      Re: free software

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Network: config needed to add content filtering to win server 2019

      The nice thing about free software is that you can try it for free. So you can find what’s best for you without any costs.

      If your requirement is to block youtube, than there is no “best”, there’s only “yes, it does” (good) or “no, it does not” (bad).

      The disadvantage of free software can be that it might come without enough support to enable you to use it in the best way. So the quality of the installation instructions and support (like having a FAQ on the site and a forum and technical support) is something to include in your comparision.

      Did you try to add to the hosts file on each PC? That’s free and to circumvent it the user needs admin-rights. Cheap and effective, no software needed. And the nice thing, you as network manager can easily view youtube on your own PC.

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