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  • #4054476

    Network Diagnostic Script


    by Blacktip69 ·

    I have been looking around for a network diagnostic script and have come across many resources that contain individual command, but nothing that pulls it all together in a coherent manner and following some sort of logical OSI bottom up data gathering process that can be shared with an IT Dept when trying to resolve “Networking Problems” and specifically ran with none elevated privileges as the service user as well. I take no credit here from creating the script, other than to pull them together into a useful and logical manner and output to a file.

    So I have decided to upload the information in an attempt to disseminate the information, in the hope that it will make other network managers/engineers lives a bit easier.

    Kind Regards


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    • #4054514
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      Why OSI here?

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Network Diagnostic Script

      In decades of fixing network issues no one I know has found the OSI model to be useful or used. Let me add I’ve worked on networks/networking that included Token Ring, asynchronous, Novell and later technologies.

      In those decades it’s always came down to bad connections, nails through cables, incorrect wiring, failed ports, and once in a while bad configuration files (Cisco, so much Cisco.)

      And never over all those thousands of calls and service visit was OSI ever mentioned.

      For now, I’d set that aside and focus on what you encounter in these failures to develop your tool set.

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