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    Network issue

    by raman-4b626 ·

    Hi I’m replacing one desktop with a one in my office . Our office entire systems are Mac binded. Before replacement our Service provider released mac binding and then I replaced new desktop with same IP address which is present in old system. My desktop is Win10 professional. But after replacing system doesn’t have network connection. While troubleshooting it shows unidentified network no internet access. I reinstalled network adapter driver also. Hence I decided to replace the new system with old one same ip. But this time network is accessible in old system with same IP. Any ideas to resolve the issue?

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    • #3977793
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      You wrote the above.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Network issue

      And as it stands you claim that both old and new PCs are on the network with the same IP. That’s not allowed.

    • #3977797
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      Re: network issue

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Network issue

      That seems a question for your Service provider.

    • #3982197

      Network issue

      by abartkiewicz ·

      In reply to Network issue

      Most office networks are going to use dot1x authentication so you can’t just plug anything in to the network. I would assume this to be the case and your IT is going to have to allow that device on your company’s network.

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