Network Security Design for 8 ADSL Business Internet Lines
The scenario:
8 ADSL lines (impossible to upgrade to 1 GB Full Fibre or switch to another Internet Provider that offers 1 GB Fibre. 8 WAN cables directly coming to a Server’s room.
The task is to add firewall solution to a one full flat network.
Option 1: 8 ADSL lines – 8 Firewalls or 16 (Firewalls with resilience) – exorbitant and unwise.
Options 2: Cancel 8 ADSL lines and 1 GB Full fibre and add to 1 or 2 (resilience) firewalls. Impossible since ISP is limited, and not alternatives.
Option 3: I have heard there is a device that extremely expensive that can be configured to treat 8 ADSL lines into 1, again to buy such an expensive devices for 8 ADSL lines is stupid.
I am running out of ideas, and I start thinking to implement Internal Firewalls.
What do you think guys, any ideas or alternative possible solutions? Perhaps, I may have some thoughts on the next directions? Thank you!