
  • Creator
  • #2235131

    Network Segmentation


    by briarrabbitt ·

    What is the maximum number of hosts one SHOULD have on a layer 2 network before it needs to be segmented?

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  • Author
    • #2605882


      by briarrabbitt ·

      In reply to Network Segmentation


    • #2605877

      That really depends

      by jmgarvin ·

      In reply to Network Segmentation

      It depends on so much. What kind of usage are we talking about? What’s the topology? What are the security needs?

      Basically, I’d say as soon as the bandwidth degrades you need to segment your network. I’d also say you need to segment it if you need to separate out users for security reasons.

      Not a total answer, but something to think about.

      • #2606160

        Rule of Thumb

        by briarrabbitt ·

        In reply to That really depends

        Well, it’s a flat, all layer two class c network with almost entirely snmp management traffic. Nothing too bandwidth intensive. Currently it’s got about 150 hosts. I thought it was a rule of thumb to split the network at about 200 hosts.

        • #2606155

          security first

          by 45geek ·

          In reply to Rule of Thumb

          First this should be planned before deployment…150 hosts…you say nothing about how it is segmented for you as far as like dept/process/applications/users…etc..but the first of firsts is security and I tend to go with nothing that is normal or rule of thumb…it is one of the easiest and cheapest beginings for security…like using drive N: instead of C: as the default for exucuatables….but at all time I would recommend VSLM as it leaves your options open for future growth and deployment…and then the most important becomes the schema for the logical layout.

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