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  • #2142163

    Networked storage and access

    by mmomm ·


    Hello, I work in a TV studio environment and need to update the way we work with paperwork. There may well be some software that does exactly what I am after so please do let me know! But essentially, I need a system that allows a person to scan in a piece of paperwork, upload it onto a server or cloud via a computer, can be internet based or can be a local server whatever would work best, and that paperwork be accessed by 4 different tablets. The paperwork is then accessed, scribbled over as notes and not saved once filming is complete. But there maybe an occasion where a permanent note is needed so that can be updated onto the paperwork itself and all other devices can then see it. We have lots of networking possibilities in the studio, and hardware set up to access the paperwork is currently thought as a tablet so we can use a stylus etc. File formats for the paperwork, perhaps Pdf? that way the tablets can use some sort of simple Pdf editor to scribble on, but also make permanent changes to it. Of course a file structure can be used to have master versions and workable versions of the paperwork, but my main point is some advice on what sort of system would be recommended for this? Cloud based? or on a local server? is there something already that can do exactly what I want? And is there a better bit of software that can edit paperwork or would a pdf editor be the way forward.

    Many thanks in advance,

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      Sounds like you know the work flow.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Networked storage and access

      But I worry here you think there is either a hardware or ready to use software for what you described above. I’m going with no since most of the steps I read above are up to the user unless some custom app was made to keep the users on track and doing only what you want them to do.

      More to the point, the CIO or IT head would create a document about such a system then begin shopping it around to see what company can deliver and at what cost.

      If this is not something the company will pay for, then why not go with a file server (which can be on a cloud or not) and tell the 4 or so users how to use such as don’t write/edit originals etc.?

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