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  • #2142098

    Networking setup

    by eclipsesatservices ·


    Hi all,
    I’m after a little help in achieving something.
    I have 3 UniFi access points around my house with a Draytek 2926 dual wan router.
    I have a virgin media connection which is used for all our computers and the WiFi access points use this too. I then have a BT connection on WAN2 which is used for 2 servers I have.
    All works fine.
    I want to setup of possible a VPN SSID WiFi network as well so basically I can have 2 WiFi networks. 1 as standard and the other to be used as a VPN.
    I have an account with CyberGhost.
    I need to know what equipment I would need to be able to achive this and setup maybe 2 VLANS and maybe a secondary router for the VPN?
    I’m pretty clued up about stuff like this but I am just thinking of the best options.

    Any help on software or hardware would be great.

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