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  • #4069176

    New member asking for help for my master thesis.


    by The Danish student ·

    Hello everyone,
    I’m a new member looking for help with my master thesis (which I hope is within your guidelines).

    I have been lurking at the community for quite a while, and finally found the courage to make this post.

    I’m doing a research project focusing on consumer’s perception towards the concept of obsolescence / planned obsolescence, specifically in household level electronic devices. Thus, everyone with an opinion, experience, or even just owning an electronic device is interesting to me!
    As the main methods used is netnography, everything is expected to happen online, preferably in written format.

    So, if you would like to answer a few question as an “interview”, share opinions and experiences, or just have any question to me or my study. Please let me know!

    In advance, thank you very much.

    Best regards.

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    • #4069444
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      My view is simple.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to New member asking for help for my master thesis.

      If it’s not useful or something I want, it’s not bought.

      But then you wrote about netnography which doesn’t appear to have much to do with obsolescence. I won’t define netnography since it’s your soon to be area of expertise.

      • #4069486

        Reply To: New member asking for help for my master thesis.

        by The Danish student ·

        In reply to My view is simple.

        Thank you for reaching out!

        Just for clarifying, you are not expecting to touch upon the part of netnography, it was mainly meant as an example of why the potential interaction should be in a written format.

        When is something useful?
        I.e., are you only buying ‘workhorse’ products like boilers and the like?

        Have you ever experienced obsolescence yourself?
        Either in absolute form, where a component fails and mending isn’t possible. Or in relative format, where it is more volentary?

        Please let me know if you are willing to answer questions like this in a private setting.

        All interaction is much appreciated.

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