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  • #2141158

    No post no display

    by shahroznazeer ·


    PSU ok motherboard has no visible or serious problem ram ok CPU I can’t say is culprit but still power not on only green motherboard light on. But when I first encountered problem I push power on button only one light turn on and it went to the CPU logo and then restarted again and twice to five times I think.
    I took out ram plugged one by one but problem still remained and even not solved by CMOS reset and PSU change. All the connectors are perfectly plugged in and no beep sound or clicks and no fan moving I can’t understand and one more thing before going to worse situation a message related to BIOS appeared I can’t read it but there was no pen drive or internet connected then how could BIOS be a problem. Anyway I can’t understand this mysterious problem.

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