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  • #2140342

    Not able to run software that i downloaded and installed from internet

    by massey22 ·


    I have downloaded and installed the “EMC engineer software” from the top of the following web page…


    However, it wont run as it gives the following error message.

    “The code execution cannot proceed because usbi2cio.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem”

    Do you know how i can solve this so that i can run the software?
    Re-installing doesn’t help

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    • #2413740
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      When all else fails

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Not able to run software that i downloaded and installed from internet

      Reach out to the software developer/company selling the product. Impossible to say with any certainty from an internet forum like this.

    • #2413739

      Re: dll

      by keesb2 ·

      In reply to Not able to run software that i downloaded and installed from internet tells what it is and where to download it from.

      But I agree with birdmantd: if you can’t fix it with the information the link finds, I see that site on their homepage has a “contact us” link, an email address and a phone number. They surely can help you, although it might not be before Monday 8:00 UK time.

      • #2413734

        No longer trading

        by massey22 ·

        In reply to Re: dll

        Thanks, though the company no longer trades.

        Also, i have the usbi2cio.dll file, but when i try to open it i get a warning message saying that using the file may damage the computer. Do you think this is likely?
        The warning is that “you are trying to open a file of type “system file” (.dll).
        These programs are used by the operating system and various programs. Editing or modifying them could damage your system.

        • #2413731
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          Just wait

          by birdmantd ·

          In reply to No longer trading

          Don’t do anything that could create an issue before contacting the program maker/author to be sure. This is not the place to answer your questions or address your concerns.

        • #2413730

          Re: open dll

          by keesb2 ·

          In reply to No longer trading

          You don’t “open” a dll. You copy it to the right place (the program’s subfolder in Program Files usually is a good place) and see what happens if you run the program now.

          It might be necessary to register it also. See

          Maybe there are more details in the technical documentation that comes with the program.

          With “no longer trading” you mean the e-mail address and the Phone number don’t exist anymore? Then you’re out of luck if you can’t fix this yourself.

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