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  • #2081549

    NT Scheduling and ASP files


    by ashapoo_jain ·

    I want to run an ASP file in the browser after scheduling it throught NT Scheduler, but it opens up in Visual InterDev.
    How can i run this ASP file?

    Also if i schedule to run .html file it runs in browser. What is the reason for this and how cani solve this problem?

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  • Author
    • #3899935

      NT Scheduling and ASP files

      by gary sharp ·

      In reply to NT Scheduling and ASP files

      If you are trying to run the filename, then the app opened is dependant on the file associations. At a command prompt run ASSOC to find the file associations, and hen run FTYPE to find out which app is run when that file type is called.

      You can then make the necessary adjustments, if required, to fix this.

      You may also want to try running iexplore.exe with the filename as a argument.



    • #3899866

      NT Scheduling and ASP files

      by paul n ·

      In reply to NT Scheduling and ASP files

      You could try scheduling an .html file to run and have it refresh to your .asp file. Just put in the line

      Hope this helps.


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