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  • #2141168

    Office LAN – Single Website Loading Issues

    by medievil2010 ·


    We have a small office which hosts 13 Windows 10 PC’s, there’s 2 broadband lines coming in and are load balanced giving us a stable 90mb/s – we’re able to share files without any issues and browse all other websites perfectly fine apart from one!

    My company uses a web based interface CRM and each one of my staff have their own login details, the issue is that the page will take ages to load, but intermittently and ever so random. One computer will load the page fine whereas another computer will take ages then that machine will load it fast and the other slow again, if i come outside of the network let’s say at home then using 4 computers on a single broadband line, the site works seamlessly, giving me the confidence that the problem is within the local network but have no idea where to start!

    The office has 2 banks of desks where the internet comes from the cabinet to x2 sockets, one connects to one switch and the other to the 2nd switch both under the bank of desks.

    What can i do here and if you’ve got any insight i’d really appreciate it.


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