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  • #4281414

    OK what’s going on now?

    by oh smeg ·


    What’s going on guys I can now only log into TR with the Oh Smeg Account and it is the only account I’m getting mail from the Hal 9000 account is not work nor any of the other ones and I’m no longer getting any mail from them either.

    Is this a new test for Moderators?


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    • #4281419
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      Reply To: OK what’s going on now?

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to OK what’s going on now?

      I’v asked the boss of the forum to have a look.

    • #4281432
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      Reply To: OK what’s going on now?

      by Wizard57M-TR ·

      In reply to OK what’s going on now?

      Without a true CMS page such as the old Highlander, there’s no way to check on why a particular member name is experiencing difficulties. By the way…GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU AGAIN!

      ps…there’s also no way for moderators to ban those persistent spammers!

    • #4281558
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      I guess Holly is back to the VCR cart model?

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to OK what’s going on now?

      Welcome back Rimmer?

    • #4281603

      Well as I.’m not a web developer not a lot I can do to repair TR it’s been

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to OK what’s going on now?

      It’s been over 15 years since I even looked at the source code of a Web Page and as long since I scrapped our own Web Site as being a pain not worth the effort.

      I’m mostly doing Security these days so I could maybe break into the site and let you guys loose and allow Keys to continue Rimmering about. The main thing is I’m getting a Lack of Use on the Hal 9000 account which was working till a couple of weeks ago or at least I was getting notifications of what you guys have been playing with. I on the other hand have found nothing at all when I log in because you lot have get all the spammers and I’m just sitting around looking at cleared pages.


    • #4281833

      OK you guys are taking all the fun out of the forums

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to OK what’s going on now?

      I was looking around and found 4 week 1 day old question asking about the fastest CPU and another from the same poster asking about the best Graphics Card available.

      OK as I’m a smart arse I was going to mention Xeon’s as a production CPU particularly those Intel M’Boards that have 4 sockets and then I thought about the Prototype Quantum Computing CPU’s that are Nitrogen Cooled and can be run for a few seconds that cost more than a reasonable sized Countries GDP and a Video Card for the same system. Nothing any of us can afford but they are the fastest CPU and Best Graphics Cards you’ll ever lay your grubby little mits on and the correct answer to the question as there was no reference to Affordable CPU’s or Graphics cards just the fastest and best.

      And what did I find a relatively new question is closed and not accepting any more answers.

      I can not even show off any more here as I’m now stuck to answering questions.

      • #4281881
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        Reply To: OK what’s going on now?

        by Wizard57M-TR ·

        In reply to OK you guys are taking all the fun out of the forums

        LOL…that was probably me! If a particular topic is targeted by spammers to a significant degree, I’ll delete the spam and lock it down. If you want to you can let me know via reply here and I can open it up for you to show off!

        • #4283154

          Personally I have not seen a lot of questions from Professionals

          by oh smeg ·

          In reply to Reply To: OK what’s going on now?

          Most look like school students asking which is better AMD or Intel or how do I transfer data to a new HDD.

          Most questions are not even answerable as they do not give you anything to work with like which is the best graphics program to learn on. All the Graphic Editors I know use Apple and ILM’s offering so some opensource offering is going to be no use at all to them simply because they do not work the same way Industrial Light and Magic offering does.

          On some questions I’d love to leave IBM has a beautiful 6,000 CPU Blade which is amusingly fast and runs rings around everything except a Quantum System but as school kids they would not understand that.

      • #4281894
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        Reply To: OK what’s going on now?

        by kees_b ·

        In reply to OK you guys are taking all the fun out of the forums

        Yes, I remember. That’s one a bunch of 7 or 8 guys, mostly asking beginners questions (or sometimes nonsense questions), totally out of place on a business oriented site like They all have an IP-address with the same first 3 parts, and only the fourth different (1 to 255). Easy to recognise by the first 3 numbers. The IP-address points to Ashburn, Virginia, USA.

        I can’t take them seriously and mostly give them answers that aren’t incorrect, but not really helpful either, or I ask some questions which they hardly ever answer. Have a look in their history to see.
        Or I delete the nonsense questions like “What do you think is the worst browser?”.

        A ban for all of them would be appropriate, in my opinion.

        • This reply was modified 4 weeks ago by Avatar photokees_b.
        • This reply was modified 4 weeks ago by Avatar photokees_b.
    • #4283394
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      Are you still encountering this issue?

      by Mary Weilage ·

      In reply to OK what’s going on now?

      Hi Col, are you still encountering this issue?

      • #4283416

        Still the same Mary

        by oh smeg ·

        In reply to Are you still encountering this issue?

        Though now I’m getting the occasional e mail through the Hal90002 Account but no where near the number that there shopuld be maybe 1 to 2 every few day.

        Still can not log in with the Proper User Credentials and only getting notifications of replies to the Oh Smeg Account which shoul dbe about right as it is all I can currently log in with and post answers to questions and the like.


        • #4283592
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          Thanks for letting me know

          by Mary Weilage ·

          In reply to Still the same Mary

          Col, thank you for letting me know. I filed a dev ticket about this issue, so I might be reaching out to you again soon. I’m sorry you’re encountering this issue.

        • #4283916
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          Please email me

          by Mary Weilage ·

          In reply to Thanks for letting me know

          Col, please email me at mary dot weilage at TechnologyAdvice dot com, so I can help troubleshoot the issue. One of our developers has provided me with additional information about your account. Thank you.

        • #4284956
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          by Mary Weilage ·

          In reply to Please email me

          Hi Col, thanks for your email. I just noticed that a day or so after I replied that I received a message that my email could not be delivered. Based on my discussion with one of our developers, I think this might be due to the full inbox issue. I suggest filing a support ticket with TechnologyAdvice, please I hope this is resolved for you soon.

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