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  • #2225845

    old o/s hdd in new comp


    by phreaka666 ·

    hey guys, i need some help with a prob that is killing me.

    the CPU in my old comp recently died so i took the opportunity to by a new comp. I bought a comp without OS installed planning to move the old boot hdd. Since realised tha the old computer (Acer) didn’t come with XP discs (repair discs) only the Acer support discs. is there some way that i can install XP from the old hdd onto the new one without an XP repair disc? any help would be gratefully appreciated.

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  • Author
    • #2635951


      by phreaka666 ·

      In reply to old o/s hdd in new comp


    • #2635926


      by p.j.hutchison ·

      In reply to old o/s hdd in new comp

      You are breaking the license doing this as the OS will be tied to the Acer.

      I would consider it unlikely for the OS to move across successfully and it will also likely to break activation as well so it will prompt you to re-activate and I do think MS will approve you from moving OS between computers!

      I suggest go out and buy XP for your new PC.

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