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  • #2279275

    one more thing to add to too fast?


    by koz365 ·

    what would you think if said person also told you not to run any antivirus software on said system and told you to run a scan about once a month from the antivirus CD. and also told you that you do not need to do any updates because the system has 98 plus on it and does not need to be updated? as you can tell this is really bothering me and i have my suspicions about whether they are trying to (compromise?) the network that the PC is on …call me paranoid but don’t call me werid..(not another id 10 t call)

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    • #3542455


      by timwalsh ·

      In reply to one more thing to add to too fast?

      Do not pass Go! Do not collect $200

      I would immediately wipe the drive on this computer and reload the software myself.

      The person (is BOZO too strong?) who told you all this is either a complete incompetant, or he doesn’t want you to discover any “toys” that he loaded on there.

      Another path you might want to consider is to totally disconnect this computer from your network, load Norton Anti-Virus (even the lates version will support Win98), run a scan and see what pops up.

      Going back to your original post, I have never seen anything about the speed of a computer being to fast for the recent version of commercial software. You might want to take a look at this link ( It takes you to a page in the Symantec Knowledge Base that discusses a number of reasons why a virus scan might fail/hang (again nothing is mentioned about CPU speed being an issue).

      Above all else, avoid dealing with this BOZO again at all costs.

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