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  • #3990588

    Open app and new password selected. Apple was empty


    by lynnettebentley ·


    Opened app and was requested to enter new password. Entered old password and was able to enter into iPassSafe. Upon entering I realized that the app was empty and I had no saved information

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    • #3990590
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      Which application did you enter?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Open app and new password selected. Apple was empty

      My concern is if you fell for a phishing scam.

    • #3990632
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      Reply To: Open app and new password selected. Apple was empty

      by mrmacfixit ·

      In reply to Open app and new password selected. Apple was empty

      First you surprise us all and answer yes to a question regarding backing up your datafile to something like drop box.

      If Yes, then just follow the RESTORE instructions and you should be back in business.
      No? I was hoping you weren’t going to say that.

      A quick Google search shows that this is a common problem with this app that has all of two(2 reviews on the AppStore.

      My suggestion is that you visit each and every one of the websites that iPassSafe was storing your credentials for, and change each and every password.
      Bank and Credit Card, if applicable, first.

      Next suggestion is that you swing over to and set yourself up an account over there. Full instructions at the site. It is NOT as cheap as iPassSafe, but hey, you get what you pay for.
      Once set up, Your data is protected by a Master Password, that only you know and all your data is safely stored in the cloud.
      Disclaimer I am not associated with 1Password in any way but have been a satisfied user since their version 1 of the software.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Avatar photomrmacfixit.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Avatar photomrmacfixit.
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