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  • #2074658

    Open with what?


    by cutie_pyie ·

    How do I change the right click option in WIN9x (on a file name in Windows Explorer) from *OPEN* to OPEN WITH?

    I cannot figure out how to get back to the OPEN WITH option on certain file types.

    I would like to be able to have the optionof choosing what I open a file with each time I want to look at it.

    Thank you much!!

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    • #3777738

      Open with what?

      by shadowtraitor ·

      In reply to Open with what?

      hey two ways
      1. hold down the shift button while you right click on the selected icon
      2. go to windows explorer then to go to view, then click on floder options, then file types, Search through for the file type and you will see what it is openedwith by default. Click on the file type icon and hit remove and when you right click on this type of files icon the Open with will always come up. However, if you double click the file the same things happens the open with dialog appears.
      Suggestion: Stick with step 1

    • #3777640

      Open with what?

      by valager ·

      In reply to Open with what?


      Here is flexible way to add “Open With” command to your right-button menu.

      1. Open notepad
      2. write the following there:
      Windows Registry Editor Version 4.00


      @=”C:\\Windows\\system\\rundll32.exe C:\\Windows\\system\\shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL %1″


      in this strings “C:\\Windows\\system\\” it’s a path to shell32.dll and rundll32.exe files. If in your system this files located on another directory, simple change path here.

      3. Save it as “OPENAS.REG”

      4. Run this file

      After that, “OpenWith” command will be in your right-button menu.

      Good Luck!

      Your Valager

    • #3778838

      Open with what?

      by robinarm ·

      In reply to Open with what?

      Firstly you could hold down the left shift key as you right click a file icon. If you want to reinstate the “open with” and remove all associations that file type has with applications properly, you can do that from Windows Explorer. From the VIEW menu within Windows Explorer click OPTIONS then click the FILE TYPES tab. Next scroll down the list of file types until you find the one you want to restore to the “Open with” choice. For instance .log files. Select that file type and click “remove”. You’ll get a message asking for confirmation and warning that you will no longer be able to open this file type by double clicking the icon – but thats what you want. Test this by finding a file with the .log extension (you will see the icon has changed indicating unknown file type) right click and you’ll see Open with… as the first option. Watch out when you select an application from the list Win95 offers when opening. Don’t leave the the box that asks “Always use this program to open this file” checked. Windows

    • #3778307

      Open with what?

      by miked ·

      In reply to Open with what?

      My Open With has so many things in it! Unless you really need to be able to send any file to any/every application type, consider the ‘Send to” option instead. Any link you copy to ‘C:\windows\send to’ will appear in the send to list you access from the same right click.

    • #3776909

      Open with what?

      by rwolinski ·

      In reply to Open with what?

      Once you have assigned a file type (via the file extension, IE .DOC for Microsoft Word, .XLS for Microsoft Excel, .JPG for grpahics etc. with an program, Windows assigns the program that goes with the file type. In your folder options for the drive or directory in question. (accessable from the word VIEW on the menu bar,it’s at the bottom of the drop down menu) you will see a window pop up with three tabs. The last tab is the file types tab. This will show all the installed file types with the particular programs, and the Icons that go along with that file type. (Now USE REAL CAUTION HERE)
      Selecte the file type you want to remove the association with a program, Highlight it, and click remove. The icon will then show up as a standard windows icon, and you will then have the “Open With” option when you right click. If you delete a file type that is with some internet programs for example you might have some trouble when your surfing. I hope this helps you out.

      PS. One way to be sure you don’

    • #3783090

      Open with what?

      by kwangern ·

      In reply to Open with what?

      hey girl, nice going, 69 points? I hope i can get it.
      btw, y’all who answered gave damn ridiculous hardcore answers, y’all are making it too hard. The easiest way is, HOLD the SHIFT key down and right click on the file. then Viola!!! “Open With…”is there!!
      hope ya like my damn answer girl, chill out!!

      • #3784124

        Open with what?

        by cutie_pyie ·

        In reply to Open with what?

        Thanks but Shadowtraitor beat you by 11 days with same answer.

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