
  • Creator
  • #2143738

    Operating System Network Deployment

    by manasesesao ·


    I’m currently a co-op student in a helpdesk technician formation that’s why I would like to deploy a Windows 10 image by local network to 150 HP computer. Knowing that im still in a test period with Hyper-V VM’s, I have already created a VM Windows Server 2016 with all setups (DHCP,DNS,ADDS,WDS) and also prepared my image Windows 10. So my problem is that i can’t reach my goal because I can’t locate the necessary operating method (modus operandi) to unblock my work.
    I would be grateful for your help.

    best regards,


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  • Author
    • #2419125

      Operating System Network Deployment

      by benmartin9920 ·

      In reply to Operating System Network Deployment

      You can make a task sequence that installs an OS available in Software Center. A user can run a task sequence from Software Center for the following OS deployment scenarios:
      Refresh an existing computer with a new version of Windows
      Upgrade Windows to the latest version
      Create a task sequence for non-OS deployments
      Complete the steps in one of those OS deployment scenarios. Then use the following sections to prepare for deployments that are available in Software Center.
      Deploy the task sequence
      Deploy the task sequence to a target collection. For more information, see Deploy a task sequence.
      On the Deployment Settings page of the deployment, for the Make available to the following setting, select one of the following options:
      Only Configuration Manager Clients
      Configuration Manager clients, media and PXE
      Also configure whether the deployment is required or available:
      Required deployment: Required deployments make the task sequence available in Software Center. It automatically starts at the configured deadline.
      Available deployment: The task sequence is available in Software Center, and a user can install it on demand.
      After you create the deployment, clients in the target collection will show the task sequence in Software Center.

      I hope this information will be valuable to solve your query!
      Ben Martin

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