
  • Creator
  • #2142166

    Organization Domain

    by tzeebw ·

    Guys i want to prepare a proposal to run all computers on a Domain instead of workgroup. My manager wants a proposal that will be able to convince him to go ahead with the idea. Kindly assist guys with the proposal

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    • #2417168
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      Re: domain

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Organization Domain

    • #2417157
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      At our office we didn’t go with a domain.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Organization Domain

      Why is because of what we do which is app development. The added overhead of calling the admin of the domain every hour to get the password would kill productivity and we would as a company have to fold.

      Apply the controls you need. Not the ones you want. Beware company employees that want to centralize control and make everyone bow to the IT staff for everything.

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