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  • #2309067

    Organizing SD Cards


    by donwant ·

    I am new to my M130 and love the fact that we can expand with SD cards. The only problem I am finding is organizing the card.
    Is there any software that lets you organize the files on the card to sort programs easier?

    Thanks in advance


All Comments

  • Author
    • #3462311

      Organizing SD Cards

      by donwant ·

      In reply to Organizing SD Cards

      Did a little reading and did find out that by design the OS sets up a directory based on the card name..
      Unless there is some good organization software that uses SD cards it’s out of luck

    • #3391590

      Organizing SD Cards

      by 357computerguy ·

      In reply to Organizing SD Cards

      Basically, the Palm OS uses a DOS (MS-DOS) naming convention with branches and trees. Keeping this in mind, you could store different programs in different locations. However, the Palm OS with it’s extended memory support will look first at the \Palm\Launcher\ directory for any launchable programs. It usually places these programs in a category such as [card] on your category page. Some launchers allow you to specify the program directory from which to launch a program, and therefore are more flexible. I currently use Launcher X 1.0.2, and it allows much flexibility in naming and storage conventions.

      • #3535887

        Organizing SD Cards

        by donwant ·

        In reply to Organizing SD Cards

        Thanks for the advice. I had found the directory information a while back but your the first person I’ve heard from using a launcher who has recommended it. ]
        Thanks again!

    • #3535886

      Organizing SD Cards

      by donwant ·

      In reply to Organizing SD Cards

      This question was closed by the author

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