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  • #2140572

    Orientation of photos 3

    by Anonymous ·

    Hello Glenn, and Bob,

    Thank you both for your replies.

    Once again, I am unable to answer your posts because the “reply” word disappears when hovering my cursor over it, so I have to initiate a “New” question, apologies.

    I realised that you weren’t Bob, Glenn!, and I now answer your questions.
    These answers apply to my mobile phone.

    I am using Firefox 86.0 (up to date) with DuckDuckGo as a search.

    I have no ad-blocker on my phone.

    Having read all the answers at the link supplied by Bob, and I appreciate that you say you didn’t find a for-sure-cure!, I have done the following:-

    Turned off my phone and removed the battery – left it for half an hour.

    When I switched it back on, I turned off all my settings in everything, phone, camera etc, and re-set them.

    I then took a photo of the same document that had presented in landscape mode when this all started, and – Surprise! Surprise!, the photo presents in portrait mode!

    I don’t pretend to understand which of my actions is the “solution” neither do I suggest that following my details will make anyone else’s photos come out in the way they wish, but for me, this worked!!

    Thank you both for your advice, and although it is extremely unlikely, I hope I don’t have to return to ‘bother’ you again!

    Stay safe and well,

    Kind regards,


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      Re: can’t answer post

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Orientation of photos 3

      Hello Colin,

      Nice to see you here. And good to see your problem is solved.

      I read somewhere that some ad-blocking tools do block things on our site also. So I would suggest your try it in another browser than you normally use. One you didn’t add add-ons to, but that is just in its out of the box state. Chose from Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Internet Explorer on your PC or laptop. All are free. This just might be the solution to the problem.
      Worth a try, I’d say.

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