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  • #2072845

    Outlook 2000 E-Mail Notification


    by plarson ·

    We have a recurring problem on most of our computers, in that the e-mail notification message screen does not always appear. I’ve been in contact with Microsoft tech support, and they felt it was a problem with the user profile. I’ve tried deleting and then recreating the user profile. This will clear the problem up for a while, but then it comes back. This doesn’t happen all the time, just periodically. The problem may occur in the morning, but in the afternoon, it works fine, even thoughthe computer has not been rebooted. For most of our network users, I have created an alternate message using the Rules Wizard so they can see who the e-mail is from. However, the problem also occurs with individuals using the standard Outlook e-mail notification. Any ideas?

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    • #3766164

      Outlook 2000 E-Mail Notification

      by kelsaidi ·

      In reply to Outlook 2000 E-Mail Notification

      I could create this situation doing the following:
      1- Show Assistant
      2- Set notification on
      3- The first notification I got I moved the dialog box down to bottom of the screen then I close it
      4- The next message I recieved was without notification


    • #3766163

      Outlook 2000 E-Mail Notification

      by kelsaidi ·

      In reply to Outlook 2000 E-Mail Notification

      Only closing the notification message causes this problem (with and without the assistant)

      Closing the notification message using the upper-right close control (X) without selecting Yes nor No

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