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  • #2313191

    outlook e-m


    by rdt ·

    i run windows 98 second ed. with outlook # 6 i’m having trouble with e-m’s comming back and repeating sometimes as many as five times

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    • #3459024

      outlook e-m

      by ann777 ·

      In reply to outlook e-m

      Where’s the server in this picture? When people receive duplicate e-mails, it’s usually because of the server.

      Essentially the sever has not closed out the polling for emails and such the request is not closed. So there’s really only a few possibilities:

      1) Communication between server and Outlook was interrupted in some manner — either end. Especially if the server is remote and the e-mail is being delivered through a telephone line and if any of the e-mail has gotten corrupted on the server or during delivery).

      2) The communication (e-mail) in question was sent multiple times (look at the headers and see if the header info is an “EXACT” match. If an EXACT match, then the server re-issued the e-mail. If not an exact match,then the sender re-issued the e-mail).

      • #3459020

        outlook e-m

        by rdt ·

        In reply to outlook e-m

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