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  • #3955594

    Outlook is blurry

    by dougmcduffie ·


    I have one user who is on Windows 10 (Build 19044) with Office 365. The user’s view in Outlook gets blurry with the characters appearing misaligned. The user must exit and sometimes reboot for the view to reset properly. His view in Outlook will be fine for a view days before the problem reoccurs.
    This appears to happen randomly and does not happen anywhere else for the user outside of Outlook. In addition, no other user in our organization has this problem. I have confirmed that his version of Office 365 is up to date.
    The user will be away in a week. So, I am doing my homework in advance. It is difficult for me to work on this user’s computer during the day and he normally takes it with him overnight.

    Thank You,
    Douglas L McDuffie

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    • #3955698
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      Reply To: Outlook is blurry

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Outlook is blurry

      I haven’t heard of such an issue before. I have to wonder if the Outlook program installed on the computer is corrupted. I might suggest backing up the related files, uninstalling Outlook completely, reinstalling Outlook and seeing if it resolves the issue. What type of computer (make/model)? Also, how much memory is installed? When did the user first encounter problems with Outlook? Have you checked with Microsoft about this issue? Any recent changes to the computer hardware or new programs/application removed or installed?

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Avatar photobirdmantd.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Avatar photobirdmantd.
      • #3955870

        Reply To: Outlook is blurry

        by dougmcduffie ·

        In reply to Reply To: Outlook is blurry

        1. The computer is a Dell Latitude 7370. It has 8gb ram.
        2. I have not reached out to Microsoft (yet).
        3. This issue started in January of 2022.
        4. I agree with reinstalling Office 365. I was trying to avoid reinstalling it, or an Office repair, but they are looking like the best option at the moment.

        Thank You,

        Douglas L McDuffie

    • #3988955

      Reply To: Outlook is blurry

      by petergroft93 ·

      In reply to Outlook is blurry

      Outlook 2016 is blurry on an extended screen
      Open Outlook.
      Go to FILE > OPTIONS.
      Tick the box that says OPTIMIZE FOR BEST APPEARANCE, mine was set to the one below.
      Restart Outlook.
      Job done.


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