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  • #2313624

    Outlook “live”link to logos giff files


    by dc ·

    How can i send emails so that logos and handwritten signature files are linked backed to my website rather then inserted/pasted in the mail itself. The recipient should be able to receive emails with my logo and signature on the face of the emailwhen they open it.

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    • #3373309

      Outlook “live”link to logos giff files

      by j.wallace ·

      In reply to Outlook “live”link to logos giff files


      Your e-mail program must let you send in HTML format. Preferably, you should be able to both edit the HTML code and view the translated result. Recent versions of both Outlook and Outlook Express allow this.

      The recipient’s e-mail program must let them read your message in HTML format (like a Web page). Spammers are getting quite good at making messages like this I’ve noticed.

      To get a click-on-picture and open-Web-page effect, the picture in the message must have a link that looks something like this in HTML:

      {A HREF=”” TARGET=”_blank”}{IMG alt=”Visit our Web site!” hspace=0 src=”C:\pix\logo.gif” align=”baseline” border=”0″}{/A}

      Change {} characters above back to <>.

      The picture (logo, signature) is still part of the message. They click on logo or picture, their default Web browser opens to your Web site — if you coded properly.

      Hoping this helps,

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