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  • #2317997

    P2P vs. Piracy


    by phelms ·

    P2P as a generic term does not necessarily imply piracy. There may be security concerns calling for the heavy restriction or complete elimination of P2P on a business network. Nonetheless, despite the number of piracy oriented P2P applications outthere, the technology itself should not be discarded as inherently illegal. There may be good things yet to come out of it.

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    • #3372958

      Although P2P is just a tool

      by admin ·

      In reply to P2P vs. Piracy

      P2P has become a tool that purposely lacks methods of accountability.

      While lack of methods of accountability is not bad in and of itself, human morality appears to be moving from internal to external motivation so that where there is no external accountability there is widespread looting, in any form including the digital.

      Decisions about morality do not come from P2P technology. Being bad or good is both chosen and defined by humans. Most people have decided to both condemn stealing aswrong and steal all they can whenever they feel that technology allows them anonymity.

      Because of historic misuse, a lot of technology is regulated: weaponary, chemicals, survellience devices, broadcasting content and devices, positioning electronics, home entertainment electronics to just name a very few.

      Why should P2P be immune from the same legal application we regularly apply to technology?

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