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  • #2087103

    partitoning 20 GB hard drive for Multipl


    by malikaqib ·

    I want a install a Linux Redhat 6.2 and windows 98 on a machine on 20GB hard drive. what should be the best way/recomended way to partion the hard drive.

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    • #3756991

      partitoning 20 GB hard drive for Multipl

      by melodyj ·

      In reply to partitoning 20 GB hard drive for Multipl

      Here’s a page that should help you out. As the page mentions if you’ve used FDISK before, that is the best way. Otherwise use Disk Druid. If you have more specific questions, please include them.


    • #3756935

      partitoning 20 GB hard drive for Multipl

      by zbrain75 ·

      In reply to partitoning 20 GB hard drive for Multipl

      You can easily install RHL with Win98. However, depending on your system’s BIOS, you may or may not be able to boot beyond the 1024 cylinder limit. If you have a newer system it may not be a problem. This limitation would be encountered normally between 4 and 6G. You will want the following partitions:
      1. FAT for Windows, either FAT32 or VFAT.
      2. EXT2 – Linux native
      3. Linux Swap (128M)
      You also may want to consider an extra partition or two for data storage depending on your filesystem security requitements. Keep in mind that Linux can read and write to a FAT (Either VFAT or FAT32) partition, so you can store programs/data on these partitions and read them with either OS. However FAT partitions don’t offer the user security of EXT2. It may also save a lot of trouble if you hava a utility such as Partition Magic which allows you to resize or move partitions(I recommend it).

      Do the following:
      1. Install Win98. Limit the size of the partition if you can.
      2. Optionally resize your Win98 partition to make room for Linux Partitions.
      3. Install Linux, and create at least one EXT2 and swap partition during the process. Install LILO on the master boot record(the first partition where Win98 is). When doing the installation, you can set LILO up to allow booting to Win98 or Linux. Also you can set up the system to mount the Windows partitons(s).

      For more information:
      Items 3, 13, and 17 address installation, filesystems, and LILO respectively. Also there are links to various linux documentation and howtos available from the main Linux section.

    • #3879728

      partitoning 20 GB hard drive for Multipl

      by allan ·

      In reply to partitoning 20 GB hard drive for Multipl

      You could also check into “VMWare” that will allow you to run multiple OSs concurrently. Pretty wild stuff.

    • #3849783

      partitoning 20 GB hard drive for Multipl

      by malikaqib ·

      In reply to partitoning 20 GB hard drive for Multipl

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