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  • #2144781

    PC froze and reset itself

    by jedshayne34 ·


    So i was watching youtube when suddenly my computer froze, then a blue screen appeared saying something like “ your pc ran into a problem blablabla” so it said it was going to restart but it reset my pc instead, i now have to install windows again but it says We couldn’t create a new partition or locate and existing one. For more information, see the Setup log files. i don’t know what to do and the storage drive has over 450 gb so space is not a problem. please help if you can

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    • #2423448

      Knowing which OS is in use here would help

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to PC froze and reset itself

      Also what type of computer is this a Desktop or NB?

      Are there any devices not installed that are part of the system?

      So basically what is the system and what is it running?

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