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  • #2081375

    Pc’s rebooting on own.


    by bmcelmury ·

    We are having a problem a few of our pc’s rebooting on there own. They are on a network that is running Win NT. The servers are not setup to reboot any networked system. Any suggestions. P.S Could it be possible that there is a windows update that is not loaded. The systems vary, one is a 266 dell w/Win95 loaded. The other is a dell 400 w/win98 loaded. Both are XPS mini towers.

    Thanks for anr info.
    Brian McElmury

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    • #3899272

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by todd ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      3 things I would suggest.
      1.)Have you added any hardware to the system, that may be causing the power supply to get overloaded? This could cause your problem.

      2.) Is there enough ventilation around the PC? and is the room kept at a reasonable temperature? (under 75 degrees)? Over heating can cause this.

      3.) lastely… Run a virus check and see if any remote control trojans are on the system. Like back-oriface. With these programs on the system, someone can force your system to reboot remotely.

      Good luck…

    • #3899271

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by scndtnr ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      You might also want to check the CPU fans

    • #3899266

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by its a secret ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      The power supply fan could also be the culprit. I have seen where the power supply fan is not operating properly, and causes the machine to mysteriously reboot.

    • #3899264

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by ron_parker ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      I have run across this due to video driver/chipset. Change the driver to “Standard VGA” disply adapter driver to eliminate the possibility of this.

    • #3899231

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by l j quick sr ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      Video, power, virus.
      1) Check for updated video drivers or use a basic generic.
      2) Check power supply output, fans, air flow, do not overlook a bad wall power outlet, try another. Check output from surge protector or the source your system is plugged into. I would be looking for a power drop somewhere.
      3) Run a good updated anti-virus program. F-Prot,Innoculate & Thunderbyte.
      Gook Luck, hope this helps.

    • #3899219

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by denis a. bilas ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      A UPS conencted to PC via COM-port can reboot system if the power supply is bad, or just because of a problem with UPS itself. Disconnect UPS from COM-port and see if the problem persists.

    • #3899211

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by joeri ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      Keep it simple:
      Search on the websites of Dell and Microsoft.
      I’m almost certain that there is a patch available for his problem.

    • #3899191

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by tysonmathews ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      Be sure your machine has proper ventalation and the CPU fan is running at a good speed. Just because it is quiet doesn’t mean it is working at optimal preformance. AND YES! there is a patch for the known problem in Win98 to misterioulst reboot. Isee it happen on a few of my NT 4 servers to. (service packs 5 and 6 only that I have noticed. DOUBT it is a virus w/ much confidence. You may be ghaving driver issues to. Running an old Driver on a new OS could cause some 3rd party issues. Download the 3rd part update from windows.
      So CPU getting hot
      driver conflicts
      there is a problem w/ win98

      I say driver conflicts in your case. Get all the lates drivers from the manufacturer or utilize the cabs from a win98 2ndedition or Win2000 millinium or server to get the best ones for your OS’s

      GOOD LUCK!

      Redmond, WA

    • #3899169

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by occ ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      First a few unanswered questions need to be asked. When are they rebooting on their own? When people are using them? When they aren’t being used? Also are they rebooting when people are using a specific network or local application? Do you run any remote maintenance like a defragger or virus checker?

    • #3899125

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by sterl9 ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      I have had the same problem with a couple of my pc’s. If you have tried various patches and checked for conflicts etc, take the case off one off the pc’s and have a close look at the capacitors near where the power supply is plugged in to motherboard, if you see any that have leaked (there will be like small brown deposits around the botton of it) it is a sure sign that it has failed, and will cause irregular reboots. Capacitors over time dry out and fail.

    • #3899124

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by wcolet ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      I have had this problem with only Dell PC’s. Call and have them send you out a new power supply. They know it is a problem with some systems. They would reboot on there own. Replacing the power supply did the trick every time.

    • #3899016

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by bshapess ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      you might want to see if there is a BIOS update.

    • #3898777

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by jmollett ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      have you tried
      reseating the memory
      take it out and just place it back into the
      board make sure you hear the click of the
      retainer clips
      and you might what to do the same with the
      sound and vid cards if they aren’t integrated into the board hope it helps
      Jerry M
      connection tech.

    • #3898703

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by hitime ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      Check your ram, I had a very similar issue with a Dell running Windows 2000 which I replaced the motherboard and harddrive, but it came down to ram. Try just swapping chips with another machine for a bit.

    • #3898674

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by spawnwon ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      In my experience as a electronic technician, most problems that have reboot symptom are caused by overrun powersupplies. There just isn’t enough power to run all hardware interface. When this happens the “not enable” signal on your motherboard is triggered resetting all circuits. This in-turn restarts your PC.

      Suggestion: Replace powersupple with one with more power out.


    • #3898654

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by dennis2841 ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      I have had this problem on several different brands of machines. I suggest replacing the power supply and if that doesn’t work you can look for drivers or resources but these usually freeze a machine instead of rebooting them

    • #3896099

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by tuck46 ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      had a similar problem when adding ram. it wasnt matched….switched banks, took care of problem

    • #3895563

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by victorklein ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      Top 2 reasons for unattended reboots are mismatched ram and overheating. If your techs added ram to either of these machines recently, check that first. Install new (matching) chips and see if problem disappears.

    • #3892499

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by gary_it ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      1. Check your CPU fan. If its bad system will reboot.
      2. Check your UPS
      3. Check memory and video.

      # problem is heat, cpu fan failure goes hand in hand with that.

    • #3892458

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by paulpayette ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      Here at Nortel we only use Dell PC’s. And we have come accross this prblem before. Oreder a new power supply it is definatly the cause

    • #3892456

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by joetech3 ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      If the power saver options are enabled in the bios.. try disabling them. Also, put a UPS on one PC but not the other. See if the problems leaves the PC that has the UPS. That’s a good indication that you may be getting power brownouts.

    • #3892335

      Pc’s rebooting on own.

      by support ·

      In reply to Pc’s rebooting on own.

      As far as I know, these main culprits are heat (overclocking or faulty fans/ventilation)

      1. Defective power supply

      2. Bad power input (from the electrical socket or power company)

      3. Defective memory (or memory installation) (related to a short between the Ram and the mainboard)

      4. Defective mainboard (internal short)

      5. Bad case installation (something is a hair away from shorting)

      6. Having DMA on when your Motherboard or Bios doesn’t fully support it.

      7. Your PC is plugged into a AC plug that may be marginal or have a cycling appliance on it like a heater or air conditioner
      Reboots are usually caused by electrical shorts.

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