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  • #4261434

    Phone is getting old…Worth investing in a samsung over my current iphone?

    by garloom26 ·

    I know this question is probably asked a lot, but I hear great things about android phones and have only ever had iphones my whole life. Just looking for some pros and cons about iphones to androids and was wondering for my next phone if I should make the switch. Thanks in advance for any answers and feedback!

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    • #4261590
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      Reply To: Phone is getting old…Worth investing in a samsung over my current iphone?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Phone is getting old…Worth investing in a samsung over my current iphone?

      Personally, I have used Samsung phones for at least 10 years and I like them very well. It all depends on your personal preference. My mom has been using iPhones for at least as long. She hates my Android phone and prefers nothing but iPhones.

    • #4262974

      Reply To: Phone is getting old…Worth investing in a samsung over my current iphone?

      by llockard128 ·

      In reply to Phone is getting old…Worth investing in a samsung over my current iphone?

      I would say get a new iPhone because I think they last longer and run smoother but it is truly a preference thing, so go with what you want.

    • #4263335

      Phone is getting old…Worth investing in a samsung over my current iphone?

      by trsipes ·

      In reply to Phone is getting old…Worth investing in a samsung over my current iphone?

      I would personally keep the old phone until it breaks then get a newer models but here are some pros and cons
      iPhone-high cost, limited storage, no headphone jack. Privacy, better updates, iCloud.
      Samsung-fast charging and powerful performance. Bloatware and slow updates

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