Please help. I want to move my Tribez game from my phone to my tablet
LockedI’ve been playing Tribez for Android for several months now and have made a lot of progress in the game. However, my phone seems to be bogging down and the game force closes after visiting about 3 of the islands. So since I got the Nexus 7 for Christmas I decided that it would be better to play it on there. BUT! The game doesn’t give me the option to move it to the microSd card and emailing the game developers had almost no good info on how to do it (vague references to “programs” to back up the game with no actual names for said programs). So I get the feeling the players are on their own when it comes to backing up the game.
I tried following a blog by Donovan Colbert on how to side load apps but after muddling thru it, it only installed the game at the beginning with none of my progress included. How can I back up this game so that my progress is saved and transfer it to my tablet?
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.