General discussion
Please help me pinpoint the cause of a strange problem
This is my first post here, usually I can solve most issues on my own, but this problem is a little bit perplexing…
The first thing that I want to say is that if this isn’t the best place to post this issue or seek resolution, please let me know a better place to post this issue and I will do so.
OK, so I have an issue “with my mouse” that started a few months ago, in that it sometimes seems to not register movements on the mouse pad.
Must be a problem with the mouse, right? Well I swapped it out for a different, brand new mouse, both of them being reliable, expensive, yet different models of mice that I have used before. The issue persisted.
Must be a problem with the USB Port, right? The mouse was originally plugged into the USB Port in the back of the computer which links directly to the MOBO. So I switched it to the other USB port in the back of the computer. Still the problem persists. So I switched it to the USB Ports on the front. The problem persists.
Must not have my drivers up to date, right? I’ve checked and they are.
Can anything think of any other reason why I’m having this issue?
When I test it, the best way to do so I’ve found is to simply move my mouse back and forth on the mouse pad and track the cursor on the screen to see if it moves accordingly. Its gotten worse since this has started happening.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why this might be occurring, or at least have any other suggestions I can do as to how to help pinpoint the problem?
Thank you for any information you can provide me.
EDIT: I have no issues that I’ve noticed when it comes to click registering, nor any with any other hardware I’m using, it just seems to not always register the mouse movement.