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  • #3971156

    Policies vs Permissions

    by kyle.clifton87 ·

    I have recently been assigned many admin task (Teams, SharePoint and Endpoint) and I am trying to differentiate between terminology. I know where they are located and typically how to assign them, but when I hear the teams, I am having a hard time understanding the difference, and I believe this will slow down my learn of the future topics.

    What is the difference between permissions and policies?

    From the name, I am assuming that permissions allow certain groups or users to perform tasks.

    Would policies be rules that control the user and groups general functions, and permissions are added to increase and decrease a user or groups ability to access and perform tasks?

    Any input would be helpful. Unfortunately, I am more likely to ask question.

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    • #3971163
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      Reply To: Policies vs Permissions

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Policies vs Permissions

      Policies without a specific word that tells me it’s neither a domain server or GPO. A policy is what your company has laid out for rules.. But PERMISSIONS in almost every OS is how you implement the company policies.

      Next you write about learning. I take it since this is a business you will start taking the usual courses in Windows Server administration and not try to get by with google.

      Then you ask if policies are rules that control the user and group general functions. The answer is no because you didn’t state this policy was nothing more than company policy. Again, we use permissions to implement the company policy.

      At no point did I find you ask about Windows Server and group policies. But then again, that’s just permissions.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Avatar photorproffitt.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Avatar photorproffitt. Reason: Clarify
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