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  • #3970884

    Possible HD failure

    by mjw7265222 ·

    I installed a new 1 GB SSD in an HP laptop ;ess than three months ago. A couple of times recently Windows 11 has crashed with a BSOD, and when I restarted the laptop would not boot up, giving me a boot device not found error message, and refused to boot. Several attempts resulted in no luck. I finally went into the BIOS, opened the boot manager, changed the UEFI boot device to an external device then changed it back to the hard drive without actually saving in between, exited the BIOS and rebooted and the machine rebooted, albeit very slowly with a long hiccup after the logon screen appeared and I entered the PIN.

    This has happened a couple of times.

    Is this a drive failure problem or something else?

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    • #3970969
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      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Possible HD failure

      The story does not tell what it is. However I run into a few laptops that did this and found that I had to remove the laptop drive, take out the canned air to give the SATA or M.2 slot a quick blast and reinstall the drive. This is not a common problem but has been seen and a quick procedure to try.

      • #3971204

        Reply To: Possible HD failure

        by mjw7265222 ·

        In reply to Yes.

        The drive is being replaced under warranty.

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