Reply To: PPT to Adobe Tag Reading Order Errors
Rohit Sri
about 1 year, 8 months ago
In reply to PPT to Adobe Tag Reading Order Errors
When converting a PowerPoint (PPT) document to a PDF and ensuring accessibility for screen readers, it’s important to properly structure the content and apply appropriate tagging. Here are some suggestions to correct the error you’re experiencing:
Check the reading order in PowerPoint: Before generating the PDF, make sure the reading order in the PowerPoint document is correct. Use the “Selection Pane” feature in PowerPoint to review the order of your headings, images, and text. You can access it by going to the “Home” tab, clicking on the “Arrange” button, and selecting “Selection Pane.” Arrange the elements in the correct order by bringing them to the front or back as needed.
Use PowerPoint’s built-in accessibility features: PowerPoint offers accessibility features that can help improve the reading order when converting to PDF. Ensure that the slide elements are properly marked as headings, lists, or objects. You can do this by selecting the element, right-clicking, and choosing the appropriate option under the “Format” or “Accessibility” menu.
Consider using Adobe Acrobat for PDF conversion: Instead of relying on PowerPoint’s built-in PDF conversion, try exporting the PPT document as a PDF and then using Adobe Acrobat to further optimize the accessibility. Adobe Acrobat provides more advanced options for tagging and structuring the PDF content, including setting the correct reading order. Open the PDF in Acrobat, navigate to the “Accessibility” menu, and use the “Reading Order” tool to rearrange and adjust the reading order as necessary.
Ensure proper use of tags and artifacts: Tags are an essential part of accessible PDFs, but they need to be used correctly. Make sure that all the essential elements, such as headings, images, and text, are properly tagged. Check that your header and footer have been correctly marked as artifacts to prevent them from being read on every page. Improper use of tags and artifacts can lead to issues with the reading order.
Test with different screen readers: After generating the PDF, test it with different screen readers to identify any remaining issues with the reading order. Popular screen readers like Adobe Reader, NVDA, or JAWS can help you evaluate the accessibility and verify that the content is being read in the desired order.