
  • Creator
  • #2144466

    Price to build app

    by app friend ·

    Hi there, we are trying to build this app idea that we have and we have got this really high price from someone to do it and it’s hard to know if he is ripping us off or not. We have no idea what the prices are so what is the best way to go about finding our what price is suitable. The problem is we have spoken to lots of other people and they aren’t confident they can do it since what we are doing is something that hasn’t been done before so it’s hard to get other prices when where finding it hard to find people who actually think they can do it

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  • Author
    • #2422824

      App Building Price

      by chonablogger ·

      In reply to Price to build app

      To develop a mobile app first you need a good idea or the purpose of the app you are going to build. Mobile app development prices are different depend on the requirement you have. Either you are building a big mobile app like Zomoto, or any social media app or it depends if you are building a small app for your shop or store or for any other purpose. In addition, mobile app development pricing is also different in different countries like you can get cheap price in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, UAE. If you hire companies from these countries you can get mobile app started from $1000 minimum and vary according to the app size and requirements.

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