
  • Creator
  • #2270186

    Printing Microsoft Access Report as pdf to specific folder


    by fgross ·

    I have designed a Microsoft Access report which is specified to print to the pdf printer. The code for this action works well, but I am trying to automate the process so that the code can determine which folder to place the file in, determine a file name, and to perform all of these actions without the user seeing a print box requiring any user interaction. I am looking for a method to automate this process.

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    • #2598672


      by fgross ·

      In reply to Printing Microsoft Access Report as pdf to specific folder


    • #2622976

      Printing to File from MS Access

      by kermit ·

      In reply to Printing Microsoft Access Report as pdf to specific folder

      yes, good question. that is, how to automate printing files (specifically pdf’s) when the printer driver wants to pop up a dialog box to ask for the output file name. so far, I have found the following links.

      I’m wondering if there is a straighforward way to do this, WITHOUT using SendKeys, and WITHOUT purchasing a 3rd party control.

      • #2474757

        The magical solution

        by techrepublic ·

        In reply to Printing to File from MS Access

        Check out
        They have a virtual printer solution like many others (CuteFTP, …). The difference is that this printer checks some ini files for settings. One file (settings.ini) is per user, another (runonce.ini) can be defined from VB(A) (by some bullzip dll calls or throught standard ini file methods) and is deleted after one usage. In this ini file you can tell where to put the pdf, how to name it, you can merge with pre-existing pdf’s or even overlay them.
        And the magical part: it’s free (according to the site free for non-commercial usage, according to the installation process free for any usage.)

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