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  • #2145081

    Problems Migrating Hard Drive Disks

    by sleepy-john ·


    I’m currently in the process of replacing my old HDD that is primarily used for storage (as my OS is stored on my SSD).

    My old HDD is a WD Black 1TB
    My new HDD is a Seagate Barracuda 2TB

    After successfully cloning my HDD, I tried booting the computer using the new HDD and unplugging the old HDD. The computer is able to boot to the desktop and open up applications, however it is unable to open images and the discord app has stopped working.

    I have tried re-installing discord but it doesn’t work.

    I have also tried following the troubleshooting guide on the official website but I’ve had no success.

    Does anyone know what I might have done wrong?

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