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  • #2142210

    processor upgrade

    by mads2206 ·


    GPU upgrade help.
    I have had my pc for a few years now and i was suggested to upgrade it for a better game experience.

    More ram
    an SSD
    a better grafic card

    But the thing i have a hard time finding out is a better GPU.
    i have a Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz and was looking too upgrade it too a intel core i5 9600k 3.7GHz cpu as they should fit the same LGA 1151 socket.
    i hope some of you would be nice enough to help.

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    • #2416792
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      Need more information

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to processor upgrade

      What make/model motherboard ? Self-built or name-brand computer ?

    • #2416791
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      Re: processor upgrade

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to processor upgrade

      Assuming you mean CPU in stead of GPU (the GPU is on the graphic card, and the i5’s are CPU’s) the first thing to do with such a proposed leap in generations is to check the CPU compatibility list of your motherboard. That shows what CPU’s are supported and what BIOS version they need.

      Most likely you need a new motherboard, a new CPU, new RAM, a new SSD and a new graphic card. It’s much easier to buy or build a totally new gaming PC.

    • #2416789


      by bob.b ·

      In reply to processor upgrade

      Run this and post a link to the results then folks will have a better understanding of what you have.

    • #2416787

      Nuh uh!

      by itsdigger ·

      In reply to processor upgrade

      You need to look at the specs the motherboard to see if a “K” model cpu is compatible. Just because the sockets are the same and the cpu fits doesn’t mean it will run.
      Same with the RAM, We can’t guess

      A GPU upgrade is the simple part. (How much money are you willing to part with and, will the old psu be able to handle it?)

      The thing is, the pros need more info before they can make any recommendations so, do as Bob.B asks and run the Speccy.

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