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  • #4241825

    Program or widget to list documents

    by slowspeed ·

    Does anyone know of a program or widget that will display a graphical list of recent documents opened in all editors within a desktop environment?

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      Reply To: Program or widget to list documents

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Program or widget to list documents

      To make it clear: you post in the Linux forum, so you’re asking about a tool in Linux, not in Windows or MacOS. Right?

      I’m afraid it’s up to individual programs to maintain a list of recent documents, like it’s up to individual browsers to maintain a history of webpages shown. So such an app should be written to look into the history of a number of programs that you should be able to specify. That could be LibreOffice programs, or picture editors, or text editors like vi, depending on what you call documents and what programs should be monitored.

      I don’t think such a program is available. However, feel free to write it yourself.

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