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  • #2143342

    Projects for the development team.

    by oicore ·


    Hi, I’m Paul. Representative and General lead generation manager of Owlab Inc.

    A few words about us: For over 7 years, Owlab has been a business-oriented software engineering company committed to helping businesses kickstart, develop, and succeed. With profound technological expertise in a range of business domains such as financial services, healthcare, retail, and entertainment, Owlab implemented innovative ideas that allowed businesses – from startups to mid-sized and large companies – to scale, evolve, and prosper.

    Our specialize is – Web Scraping, Swift, Python, UI/UX, Django, Data Scraping, Web Crawling, React.js, Android, iOS, Blockchain.

    Working here I’ve faced a problem… There are very few suitable projects. I’m sure that around the world a huge number of customers, which will be enough for all companies, including ours.

    But…where to look for them? How to enter the markets of new countries? Share your experience, I will be very grateful.

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