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  • #2079506

    proxy client


    by david shang ·

    after proxy server installed, we can access to web from proxy clients, but not other protocols, for example: I can not use telnet to connect to other machine (behind proxy), and how can I control the employee access to internet other than web, for example: some employee spend a lot of time to use ICQ for chatting, and tranfer a large file over internet that increase network traffic, and listen to internet radio station during working hour.

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    • #3775136

      proxy client

      by corky132 ·

      In reply to proxy client

      all the permissions for protocols OTHER than web, are accessed on the proxy’s Winsock proxy service. You can pick and choose which protocols users can access and which they cannot. (right click on winsock proxy, goto properties.. click on permissions tab).

      for accessing servers INSIDE your LAN, you’ll have to specify exceptions inside internet explorer (tools, internet options, lan settings, advanced..) (assuming you’re using IE 5.. IE 4 is similar)..

      Hope that helps.

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