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  • #2077952

    Proxy Stuff


    by frank k ·

    I have MSProxy Server v.2 running and I would like to know how (or if) I can limit certain machines from accessing the web except for our intranet. I have some users who are allowed to access external sites and a bunch more whom I’d like to prevent from getting out.

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    • #3786810

      Proxy Stuff

      by dc1 ·

      In reply to Proxy Stuff

      Absolutely. Set the appropriate access rights (no access)in the WEB and WINSOCK proxy services for the users you don’t want to have access. Also make sure that they have the winsock client installed on there PC’s.

      • #3787276

        Proxy Stuff

        by frank k ·

        In reply to Proxy Stuff

        Poster rated this answer

    • #3779184

      Proxy Stuff

      by otto3 ·

      In reply to Proxy Stuff

      You can allow access to the proxy services by enabling access control and adding users who are allowed to use the proxy services. You don’t need to add users whom you don’t want to have access to the Internet. The best practice in controlling accessto the Web is to create a group, say Web_users, and just add or remove users in this group as it’s needed. If the user isn’t a member of the group, then his/her connection attempt to the Internet will be dropped by the Proxy server. For the Winsock proxy service, you can do the same by protocol, or allow unlimited access for the group. For the intranet website specify in the browser not to use Proxy server for the users who are not member of the group.


      • #3787277

        Proxy Stuff

        by frank k ·

        In reply to Proxy Stuff

        Poster rated this answer

    • #3787275

      Proxy Stuff

      by frank k ·

      In reply to Proxy Stuff

      This question was closed by the author

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