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  • #3971792

    Question about a common hardware failure in Lenovo chromebooks.

    by claquesift0p ·



    So I’m on day 3 at a new computer tech gig, and the most reoccurring issue I’ve noticed so far is this:

    – the ticket says something like, “The machine turns on and seems to charge but won’t display.”

    – The company gives me the new screen to put on.

    – After changing screens, the problems persists. I am told to just make a note of it, and move on to the next machine. (I haven’t been there long enough to ask why lol.)

    – I have successfully repaired dozens of the same machine already, so I’ve fairly confident that I didn’t screw up any connections or anything.

    I suspect it’s the ribbon cables and/or maybe the motherboard, but as I said before, I haven’t had a change to take another look at these particular machines.

    Has anyone had the same issue with Lenovo Chromebook before? If so, what was the issue in your case?

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    • #3971993
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      The problem I run into

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Question about a common hardware failure in Lenovo chromebooks.

      Are laptops and smartphones are only designed to last a few years. Sometimes a tech will come by with a claim there’s a design flaw so we look at the phone or laptop only to find it’s very old.

      You also have the issue that students are not gently with chromebooks.

      Until more is revealed what you presented sounds very normal.

      Sidenote: While we know pB (Lead) is bad removing it from computers left us with brittle solder connections. This is why you find videos about baking boards. Can you guess why that works?

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