General discussion
Question about a common hardware failure in Lenovo chromebooks.
So I’m on day 3 at a new computer tech gig, and the most reoccurring issue I’ve noticed so far is this:
– the ticket says something like, “The machine turns on and seems to charge but won’t display.”
– The company gives me the new screen to put on.
– After changing screens, the problems persists. I am told to just make a note of it, and move on to the next machine. (I haven’t been there long enough to ask why lol.)
– I have successfully repaired dozens of the same machine already, so I’ve fairly confident that I didn’t screw up any connections or anything.
I suspect it’s the ribbon cables and/or maybe the motherboard, but as I said before, I haven’t had a change to take another look at these particular machines.
Has anyone had the same issue with Lenovo Chromebook before? If so, what was the issue in your case?