Question about ngrok command for localhost website
Hello all,
I have a question about the program ngrok which is a program to setup online tunnels.
Currently I am trying to put a website online from the command: ./ngrok http://localhost:8080. The website is Signserver PKI , which is included within the Wildfly server and Jboss.
So now I have successfully setup the Wildfly server and now I want to make the local website from signserver pki online. But the problem is this: both wildfly and signserver PKI seem to share the same port which is: 8080. This is a problem because If I use the standard command: ./ngrok http http://localhost:8080 it will only enable me to acces the wildfly page and not the signserver pki page.
It’s because after http://localhost:8080 there is /signserver which would lead to the other page. So like this: ./ngrok http http://localhost:8080/signserver , but the program does not recognize this command.
I have looked for solutions but have not been able to find any, so I really hope that someone could help me out with this problem.