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  • #2145427

    Questions about mobile app technology

    by enjargo ·


    Hi Im just starting out in Digital Media Design and want to expand my knowledge and find out more about Mobil apps.
    1. Does anyone know of any events or conventions within or around Australia?
    2. ANy courses (preferably working from home) which I can evaluate?
    3. Any information about current industry standards, recommended software or hardware I should know about?

    Any answer will greatly be appreciated.
    Thanks for your time.

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    • #2423223

      Mobile app

      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to Questions about mobile app technology

      Each app is different and our methodologies are always evolving, but this is a fairly standard process when developing mobile apps. This mobile app development process typically includes idea, strategy, design, development, deployment, and post-launch phases.
      Once you have an idea, you need to plan for your app’s success. One of the best places to start is by identifying your competition. See if any other apps serve a similar purpose and look for the following:
      There are two main goals of this process. First, learn as much as you can for free. Making mistakes is time consuming, frustrating, and expensive. Often, you have to try a few approaches before getting it right. Why not save yourself a few iterations, by learning lessons from your competitors? The second is to understand how hard it will be to compete in the marketplace. Are people hungry for a new solution? Is there some niche not being filled by the existing options? Understand what gaps exist and tailor your solution to meet them. If your idea is completely new, find other “first to market” apps and study how they educated consumers about their new product.
      Unless you just enjoy building apps for their own sake, you are probably hoping to make money on your mobile app. There are several methods of monetization that could work, including: in-app purchases, subscription payments, premium features, ad-revenue, selling user data, and traditional paid apps. To determine which is best for your app, look to see what the market expects to pay and how they expect to pay for similar services. You also need to consider at what point you begin monetizing your app. Far too many apps (particularly startups) skip this step and have a hard time later turning a profit.
      This step in the mobile app development process is all about identifying the biggest challenges you will face when marketing your app. Assuming you have a reliable app development and app design team, your biggest hurdles will likely be driving app adoption. There are thousands of beautiful and quite useful apps on the app stores that simply go unused. At this point you need to understand what your marketing budget and approach will be. In some cases (like internal-use apps or B2B apps) you might not even need marketing.
      The mobile app development process might seem overwhelming and involved. There are a lot of steps and difficult decision making is required along the way. But, it is an extremely rewarding process and can be quite lucrative. Also,

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